Welcome to BioClean and thank you for your interest in our company. We started our business in 1980 as a carpet, upholstery, and window cleaning business. As with many family owned and operated businesses, our mission is to deliver the best possible cleaning and customer service to all of our customers.
Through the decades of interaction with our clients, and our desire to keep learning about our industry, we saw a segment of the market that was not being addressed and seemed to be critical to the health of some people that suffer with allergies, asthma, chronic inflammation or have a compromised immune system. That segment is eliminating environmental toxins found indoors, that negatively affect the health of the occupants.
After years of research, real world testing, and a desire to help people feel better, we have put together a combination of technologies that will help keep your living space clean from the inflamagens and toxins that affect those that are more sensitized to environmental contamination. Our proprietary processes are focused on neutralizing the elements that can affect your health. Once we started hearing from our clients that our systems were helping them feel better, that became our mission.
Our hope for you is that our business can help you live a healthier and cleaner quality of life!
Business Owner,
John Watt